The qualitative increment actualized by our wines in the last 20 years has no equals in the history of the Italian agricultural post-war production. Over this period, almost every wine-producing area went through a radical process of restructuring and reconversion aimed at the promotion of the autochthonous grape varieties and at the rationalization and modernization of the transformation systems and engines. Nowadays, a small winery directly and economically manages step by step the entire wine production chain. The widespread availability of modern technology is the factor that enhances the essential naturalness of the product. What is enabling the country to go back to the old brightness is what is also shaping out the sector, labelling of uniqueness the Italian viticultural patrimony, an intrinsic absolute merit globally acclaimed. At the hearth of this virtuous revolution there is a miracle simple as pure: it is the abandonment of such a nefarious practice as the extensive quantitative cultivation, for the total adoption of the impactful practice of quality, with its merit being globally applauded.

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